Sunday, July 19, 2009

Anise, Cinnamon & Pepper - Looking for their 'Forever Home'

These 3 gorgeous kittens, Anise, Cinnamon & Pepper, are looking for their Forever Home. It is desirable that they be adopted as a group. I personally think that '3' is the perfect number, when adopting kittens... I have a set of 3 black & white cats myself, which had been orphaned at 3 weeks of age. Three or more, is ideal. If one of them is ever tired, the other 2 can still continue playing together..

Our friends at the Cat Rescue Network, would love to hear from you, if you are seriously interested or have more questions, about adopting these or any other cats/kittens. They can be reach at 613-820-7088 or online at .

Anise is a Domestic Long Haired-black and white male kitten.
Cinnamon is a Dilute Calico female kitten.
Pepper is a Domestic Medium Haired male Brown Tabby. All 3 are medium in size.

Anise, Cinnamon and Pepper are just three of a group of kittens we are calling the Mooney's Bay Spice gang. This is their background.

The Spice gang consists of: Rosemary, Thyme, Clove, Sage, Nutmeg, Saffron Indigo, Poppy, Ginger, Cinnamon, Anise, Pepper, Sesame and Basil. All were born the spring of 2009. All of these kittens came from the same neighbourhood, Mooney's Bay, which had had a large feral colony for a number of years.

The cats scrounged for food from trash in a nearby strip mall and hunted in a nearby Park. Some people fed and sheltered them. Cats could be seen everywhere, under porches, in sheds, anywhere there was shelter. . Then, in the spring of 2009, a strange phenomenon occurred. CRN began getting calls from people who had found very young kittens on their doorsteps or porches. Some of the kittens were not even weaned. Mother cats were giving the kittens to people. This phenomenon frequently occurs in later fall, when feral mothers realize that their kittens were not going to survive the winter. However, spring drop-offs, and in such large numbers, meant that something strange and dangerous was happening.
It turns out that the condo corporation in the area was rumoured to have directed its members to stop feeding and sheltering the cats. With no place to hide, mother cats were unable to protect their kittens against aggressive Toms and other predators; so, they did the next best thing. They gave them to people. Cat Rescue Network could only take in 12. Dozens of equally adorable kittens are being killed or are slowly starving to death; their mothers already pregnant with the next wave of kittens.
The only humane solution to cat overpopulation is Trap-Neuter-vaccinate Release. Starving them, depriving them of shelter or rounding up and killing them is not only inhumane but is ineffective. A great deal of suffering, inflicted on defenseless animals, could be prevented if neighbourhoods with cat overpopulation difficulties did their research and made an informed choice about how to address the problem.
All of these healthy, friendly little kittens are in need of forever homes, maybe you could help make this happen.

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